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 Apply for a verification badge. When an account on Instagram is verified, it has a blue dot, called a badge, next to the username. When another user comes across this profile or finds the verified username in search, the blue dot confirms to them that the account is the business, individual, or brand that it's claiming to be. how to gain followers on instagram tip apply for blue check verification badge for authenticity Image Source While Instagram has a list of eligibility requirements for the badge, the platform does allow users to apply for one. You can learn more about that process on Instagram's Help Center. 21. Create your own filters and badges. When it's time to promote a new product or feature, creating your own filters, stickers, or badges can help you reach a new audience. You can learn how to create your own filter or sticker to jazz up your Instagram Stories. The best way to do this is to use these on highly shareable posts that followers will want to add to their own Stories. This way, you'll reach their audiences and your users will promote your page for you. 22. Tag relevant users. Another way to gain more followers on Instagram is to tag relevant users in your posts. Your posts will then show up in that person's tagged posts, and anyone who looks through there will find your page (and hopefully, follow).

 However, it's important that you only tag people who are in the photo, or relevant to the photo. For example, many times, influencers tag the clothing or makeup brands they wore in a photo. Post content that's meant to be re-shared. Each post on your Instagram should have a purpose. It could be to generate likes, comments, engagement, shares, etc. However, you can't expect followers to re-share content just for the heck of it. There needs to be a reason. Because of this, reverse engineer your Instagram posts. Think, "What type of content would my audience re-share?" Then, create that content. It could be a quote, a meme, an infographic, statistics, etc. To gain new followers, you should post content that's meant to be re-shared, so that when others do re-share it on their own Instagram Stories and tag you, their audience will find you and follow you. Get on the Instagram Explore page. Getting on the Instagram Explore page is easier said than done. We get that. However, creating posts that are aimed at getting on the Explore page means you'll be creating easily shareable and trendy content. Think about viral trends and create a video that your audience might engage with. Additionally, use hashtags and tag other users and brands in those posts.

 Instagram's Explore Page algorithm also seems to grab content that has more engagement, especially if said engagement happens in the first few hours of posting. In Instagram's case, quality is better than quantity, and getting interaction from influential users (i.e. having a higher follower count) is one of the best ways to do it. Share educational content with Instagram slides. Similar to creating content that's meant to be re-shared, you can also create educational content in the form of Instagram slides. Instagram slides have become a popular way to educate audiences on an idea or topic. Think about what you can educate your audience on and then create a simple Instagram slide post with an engaging title that entices users to click on the post. With this type of content, you can share the post on your Stories, and then hopefully other users will be compelled by the content to share on their Stories as well. 26. Host an Instagram account takeover. When you're collaborating with influencers and other brands, think about hosting an Instagram account takeover. You can have an influencer take over your Stories for the day, and promote this on their own Stories. Then, you'll get their followers to follow along with the Stories and hopefully follow your account. Additionally, you can ask an influencer or brand if you can take over their Stories, and interact with their audience as a way to promote your own account.

 Quality Over Quantity Still Matters Ultimately, it's important to focus less on the number of followers you have, and more on the quality of content you create. Your audience will grow naturally if you put effort and time into creating engaging, informative, or inspirational content without worrying about "quick fixes" for boosts in followers. You want to play the long game on Instagram, and that starts with focusing on what you can control: the quality of the content you produce, the messages you promote, and the brand you build. Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. Instagram is a growing channel that lets individuals and businesses alike expand their brand. For businesses especially, it's a way to humanize your brand, recruit future employees, showcase your product and company culture, delight customers, and generate new business. But here's the deal: Unless you're famous, it's really hard to amass a huge following on Instagram without some hard work. For the average person or business, growing your following takes time and attention on a daily basis. Luckily, there are a few things you can do right away to collect at least 1,000 quality followers for your personal or professional Instagram account. It's all about knowing where to invest your time and effort — by customizing your profile, curating excellent content, writing clever copy, using hashtags, and working with influencers and fans to incentivize engagement.

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  Let's dive into how to gain those first 1,000 followers — from creating a follow-worthy Instagram profile to using contests to staying true to your brand. New Data: Instagram Engagement Report [2022 Version] How to Buy Instagram Followers and Likes (and Why It’s a Bad Idea) How to Get More Followers on Instagram The Best Instagram Apps to Get Followers How to Buy Instagram Followers and Likes (and Why It’s a Bad Idea) Let’s just get this out of the way: yes, you can buy Instagram followers and likes. Does this mean you should buy Instagram followers and likes? Definitely not. While many social influencers and major brands work hard to build an organic following, there are some who choose to buy followers with the hopes of increasing their social reach and engagement. Buying followers is cheap — some companies charge less than $5 for hundreds of followers. And with the growing pressure to have thousands of Instagram followers and fans, it’s understandable why some resort to buying them.

  But, while buying followers and likes may be tempting, it can severely damage your brand image and decrease overall engagement. Don’t believe me? Hootsuite created a fake Instagram account and bought 1,000 followers for just $9.95 to test how purchased followers influence audience engagement. Once their account reached 1,000 followers, they posted an image — it didn’t receive a single like or comment. buying instagram followers Buying Instagram followers may increase your number of followers, but it won’t improve your engagement — it actually damages it. And if you get caught, Instagram may remove your account for violating their community guidelines. Also, fake followers won’t buy your product or support your brand. Instead, focus on gaining authentic followers who will increase your engagement and sales. Engage your followers and grow your following with these powerful strategies, tips, and lesser-known Instagram features.

 How to Get More Followers on Instagram Create and optimize your profile Designate a content creator Edit and filter your photos Start posting Curate your Instagram content Write engaging captions Use relevant hashtags Interact with your followers Cross-promote your Instagram content Run Instagram contests Share Instagram Stories and live video Make your Instagram profile easy to follow OK, I know what you’re thinking: “It’s not that easy to gain real followers!” While it’s not exactly easy, it’s definitely possible — it just takes some hard work and dedication. Around 80 million photos are shared on Instagram every day. That’s a lot of content. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to get noticed. Let’s walk through some tactics to get real followers — fast.

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  Create and optimize your profile. First things first: Customize your Instagram profile to make it look good, tell your potential followers who you are, and give them a reason to follow you. Username Start by making sure your username is recognizable and easily searchable — like your business name. If your business name is already taken, try keeping your business name as the first part of your username so that people searching for your business are more likely to come across you. For example, the Australian activewear line Lorna Jane uses the username @lornajaneactive. instagram username optimize profile (Note: Make sure to add your full business name to the “Name” field by clicking “Edit Profile.” This will appear under your profile picture and under your username in search.) Public profile Make sure your profile is public. To make your profile public, open Instagram, click on the gear icon on your profile to open “Options,” and make sure “Private Account” is turned off. Private Account on Instagram Profile photo Choose a profile picture that's on-brand with your other social networks, like your company logo. Check out HubSpot's profile picture for reference.

 Instagram profile picture logo hubspot Profile bio Fill your bio with delightful, actionable, and informative information about your brand. Information like this lets people know what you're about and gives them a reason to follow you. Include who you are, what you do and be sure to add a hint of personality. Here are a few examples for inspiration: @WeWork: “Make a life, not just a living.” @Oreo: “See the world through our OREO Wonderfilled lens.” @CalifiaFarms: “Crafting, concocting and cold-brewing up a delicious, plant-based future.” @Staples: “We make it easy to #MakeMoreHappen” Profile link Add a link to your bio to make it easy for people to go straight from Instagram to your website if they want to. The space allotted for URLs is precious real estate because it's the only place on Instagram where you can place a clickable link, so use it wisely. We recommend using a shortened, customized Bitly link to make it more clickable or a Linktree link to maximize the space. profile link linktree bitly instagram Notifications Enable notifications so you can see when people share or comment on your photos. This'll let you engage with them more quickly — just like a lot of companies do on Twitter. To enable notifications, go to “Settings” > “Notifications” > "Posts, Stories, and Comments". Select “From Everyone” for every category.

  Instagram notifications on from everyone settings A word to the wise: We don't recommend you link your Instagram account to Twitter and Facebook so your Instagram posts are automatically published on those other accounts. The post types are different. 2. Designate a content creator. Just like there should be one (or two) people managing your other social media accounts, there should only be one or two people managing your Instagram account. If possible, choose someone who has experience using a personal Instagram account, and therefore “gets” the platform — and be sure they know all the handy features Instagram has to offer. If you work for a large organization, you might find a lot of people want to have a say in your content. That's when an organized request or guidelines document comes in hand. This document should inform people how to request a post on your Instagram account, when, the value of the post, and why. 3. Edit and filter your photos. On Instagram, post quality matters. A lot. Your Twitter followers might forgive a few bad tweets, but a bad photo on Instagram is a big no-no. By no means do you have to take a photography course to be a good Instagram poster — nor do you have to practice for weeks before you start. But you should get familiar with basic photography tips and photo editing apps. Since Instagram is a mobile app, chances are, you will take most of the photos you post on Instagram on your mobile device — and that's expected. Here are some tips for taking great photos:

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 Focus on one subject at a time. Embrace negative space. Find interesting perspectives. Look for symmetry. Capture small details. Make your followers laugh. After you take a great photo, it’s time to add a finishing touch — an Instagram filter. Instagram filters are easy to use and can help give your account a unique aesthetic. Here are a few of our favorite filters: Clarendon: Canva revealed that Clarendon is the most-used Instagram filter in the U.S. and it highlights lighter areas of an image and darkens darker areas. Valencia: This popular filter adds a yellow tint to your image — making it warmer and brighter. Valencia is a great pick for nature photography. Juno: Juno brightens the reds, yellows, and oranges in your image. Try using this filter with street and urban photography. Slumber: This filter desaturates the colors in your image and adds a haze. It makes photos feel dreamy or retro. Ludwig: Ludwig intensifies your picture’s colors and lighting, so if your image is bright, this filter will make it even brighter. It’s great to use on pictures of architecture. 4. Start posting. Once you've created and optimized your profile, have someone manning it, and know a thing or two about phone photography and photo editing, it's time to start posting. It's a good idea to have a solid number of great posts up — maybe 15 or so — before you start really engaging people and working down this list. That way, when people visit your profile, they'll see a full screen of photos instead of just a handful, so they know you'll be posting great content regularly.

  To start posting on Instagram, download this social media content calendar template and start planning out your Instagram posts. Over time, you'll want to build up a backlog of photos for times of need, like the weekends or when you go on vacation. Keep your target persona in mind when you first start planning out your posting schedule, as that can drastically change your posting timing and frequency — especially if you're targeting an audience in a different time zone. (Download this free template for creating buyer personas, if you don't have a few already.) Optimizing your schedule for your specific audience might take time and experimentation. Our sources found that the very best times to post on Instagram were Mondays and Thursdays at any time except between 3:00–4:00 p.m. for the time zone of your target persona. (For a United States audience, your best bet is to combine Eastern and Central time zones, as they represent almost 80% of the U.S. population. For audiences located outside the U.S., use whichever time zones your target audience uses.) However, because Instagram is primarily an app for use on mobile devices, users tend to use the network all the time, any time — although many users engage with content more during off-work hours than during the workday. Some businesses have also seen success with posting at 2:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m., and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Experiment with these to see if they work with your audience.

  Create stunning Instagram content in minutes using these customizable Photoshop templates for posts and Stories. Download now 5. Curate your Instagram content. Although it's best to have only one or two people manning your account, one or two people can't be everywhere at once taking photos. What about that fun sushi night the engineers had last night? Or the event your Head of Sales spoke at earlier this week? There's a whole breadth of content you'll want to post to Instagram, and more often than not, one person won't be able to keep track of it all. One solution is to create a system where you can curate photos and content from members of your team. There are a few ways to do this. One is to create a specific email address for employees to send their photos, short videos, memes, hyper lapses, and so on. Just encourage people to put a subject line on these emails so you can more easily sort through the photos they're sending. While this doesn't seem like the smoothest way to curate photos, it's actually the easiest for the people sending you photos — and the easier you can make it for them to send content, the more content you'll get. If your team shares a Box or Dropbox account, you could also create a shared folder where people can automatically drop their photos and videos. This just makes a few more steps for the people sending you the content, and not everyone might have that app downloaded on their phones. Another way to curate content is to encourage both your employees and customers to post images and tag your Instagram account. This will alert you to a new tagged post, and you can repost the content on your own Instagram account or to your Instagram Story.

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